Probiotic Plus with Super Growth Factors


18 strains of highly resilient probiotics (pH stable); 5 spore based strains (SBO); Super Growth Factors; Nanoceutical Prebiotics; 8 billion active CFU/ dose; Oral Care Probiotics K-12 & M-8

Product Name: Probiotic Plus - WL19

Provides Support for the Following:

Digestive Health

·       Promotes balanced, regular digestion

·       Alleviate episodic constipation, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, gas & bloating

·       Helps heal inflammatory bowel conditions

·       Helps heal Leaky Gut Syndrome

·       Decreases ammonia and putrefactive products in the digestive tract

·       Support healthy bowel function

·       Helps to keep your Digestive System running smoothly

·       Breaks down nutrients

·       Produces Postbiotics (B Vitamins, SCFA, Serotonin, K2, Enzymes, etc.)

·       Crowding out bad bacteria, yeast & fungi

·       Stimulating secretion of IgA & regulatory T Cells


Immune Health

·       Support a strong, healthy Immune System

·       Combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria

·       Fights the bacteria that causes ulcers

·       Fights foodborne illnesses

·       Improve acne

·       Manage and prevent eczema

·       Reduces flu and colds

·       Eases Inflammation & Allergies


Oral Health

·       Helps Prevent Cavities, Bad Breath, Acid Erosion, Infections, Gum Disease and more

·       Produces hydrogen peroxide that whitens teeth naturally (not from harsh scraping or chemicals)


Female Health

·       Promotes a healthy flora balance for vaginal & urinary tract health

·       Supports normal levels of yeast in the body

·       Helps Prevent UTIs

·       Lessens PMS & Menopause Symptoms

Mental Health

·       Improves Mood

·       Emotional Support

·       Helps Produce Serotonin & B Vitamins

·       Support for Autism, ADHD, OCD, and Schizophrenia

·       Support for Eating Disorders

·       Improves Learning

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